Distribution: common along B.C. coast at moderate
Habitat: inhabit sandy or muddy level bottoms, but may occur within a few
metres of the surface; spawn in winter in deep water (about 70 m); eggs are fertilized
internally and deposited on bottom in egg cases.
Tidal elevation: egg cases found around 70 m depths.
Food: clams, shrimp, marine worms and fishes.
Predators: fishes.
Maximum recorded size is 2.4 m and 91 kg.
FISHERY Incidentally taken in commercial fishery; pectoral fins or
"wings" harvested; commercial fishery in Kelsey Bay, 1986 total skate commercial
catch was 517 t valued at $0.3 million.
Hart, J.L. 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can.
180: 56-57.
Hitz, C.R. 1964. Observations on egg cases of the big skate (Raja binoculata
Girard) found in Oregon coastal waters. J. Fish. Board Can. 21: 851-854.
Lamb, A., and P. Edgell. 1986. Coastal fishes of the Pacific Northwest. Harbour
Publishing, Madeira Park, B.C.: 14.
Roedel, P.M., and W.E. Ripley. 1950. California sharks and rays. Calif. Div. Fish Game
Fish Bull. 75: 69-70.