Distribution: range along entire coast but predominately
in Hecate Strait.
Habitat: relatively deep water (60-100 m) over sand and silty substrates; spawn
in Oct-Apr; buoyant eggs are pelagic until hatching in 6 d; larvae drift in plankton for
6-10 weeks, and are dispersed by currents; metamorphosis complete around 10 mm; adults
migrate to and from spawning grounds.
Tidal elevation: adults found in intertidal to 600 m subtidal depth; commercial
zone of abundance between 50-100 m; juveniles rear in shallow water (15-50 m).
Food: larvae feed on Oikopleura, tintinnids, invertebrate eggs and
nauplii; adults eat clams, clam siphons, polychaete worms, small crabs and shrimp and
brittle stars.
Predators: juveniles preyed upon by water birds; bottom fish.
Fairly rapid, 10 cm by 1st Aug and 20 cm by 2nd yr; 50 % of
females sexually mature at approx. 34 cm (4 yr); maximum age is 19 yr for females and 22
yr for males. Enter commercial fishery at 35 cm, 4 yr for females and 4-5 yr for males.
Major commercial
species, accounted for approx. 16 % (430 t) of total sole landings in 1986; support bottom
sport fishery.
Bennett, D.M.A., and M.Stocker. 1980. Length and age
composition of English sole (Parophrys vetulus) in commercial landings from north
Heacte Strait, British Columbia, 1973-79. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 190: 22 p.
Forrester, C.R. 1969. Life history information of some Canadian groundfish. Fish. Res.
Board Can. Tech. Rep. 105: 17 p.
Hart, J.L. 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull. 180: 628-630.
Ketchen, K.S. 1956. Factors influencing the survival of the lemon sole (Parophrys
vetulus) in Hecate Strait, British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 13: 647-693.
Krygier, E.E., and W.G. Pearcy. 1986. The role of estuarine and offshore nursery areas
for young English sole, Parophyrs vetulus Girard, of Oregon. Fish. Bull. 84:
Toole, C.L., R.A. Barnhart, and C.P. Onuf. 1987. Habitat suitability index models:
juvenile English sole. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 82(10.133): 27 p.
Tyler, A.V., J.Fargo, R.P. Foucher, and J.B. Lucas. 1987. Studies on the reproductive
biology of Pacific cod and English sole in Hecate Strait from the cruise of the FR/V
Ricker, November 25-29, 1986. Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1937: 43 p.