Distribution: widespread in nearshore, most abundant in
Georgia Strait, Rivers and Smith Inlets, and in the Skeena estuary.
Habitat: adults utilize nearshore areas as well as open ocean; spawn on
pea-sized gravel on protected beaches throughout the year but is most concentrated in
summer or winter; often spawning habitat exists where freshwater seepage occurs at the
foot of bluffs or where trees provide shade; eggs are adhesive and remain in gravel at
depths of several cm for about 2 weeks for summer spawners or up to 3 months for winter
spawners; planktonic larvae dispersed by currents; larvae and juveniles of some stocks
rear in estuaries at least until 50-100 mm in length.
Tidal elevation: spawn over pea-sized gravel in the upper one half of the
intertidal zone on protected beaches, and lower in the intertidal on exposed beaches with
considerable wave action; spawning occurs in water depths of less than 0.5 m just before
high tide and during high slack period.
Food: larvae feed on planktonic organisms; adults prey on crustaceans, (e.g.
copepods, amphipods euphausids), combjellies and larval fishes.
Predators: gulls and birds eat eggs; staghorn sculpin, starry flounder, shiner
perch and chinook salmon prey on juveniles and adults.
Sexually mature at 1 yr of age; 5 mm at emergence; may reach
210 mm at 5 yr but most individuals are under 3 yr and range from 120-180 mm.
Very small commercial
fishery but intensive sport fishery; total 1986 smelt commercial catch was 1 t valued at
Hart, J.L. 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Fish. Res. Board
Can. Bull. 180: 139-140.
Hart, J.L., and J.L. McHugh. 1944. The smelts (Osmeridae) of British Columbia. Fish.
Res. Board Can. Bull. 64: 27 p.
Levy, D.A. 1985. Biology and management of surf smelt in Burrard Inlet, Vancouver,
B.C. Univ. B.C. Westwater Res. Cen. Tech. Rep. 28: 48 p.
Middaugh, D.P., M.J.Hemmer, and D.E. Penttila. 1987. Embryo ecology of the Pacific
surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus (Pices: Osmeridae) Pac. Sci. 41: 44-53.
Penttila, D. 1978. Studies of the surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus) in Puget
Sound. Wash. Dep. Fish. Tech. Rep. 42: 47 p.